Opinionated Y.T.

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Posts Tagged ‘nationalist

George Zimmerman Not Guilty, World Still Needs an Enema

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I must say I am surprised that the justice system was able to pull this one off with all the outside pressure to return a guilty verdict here. Have the race riots started yet? Ahhh, race riots, just one more reason diversity is our strength.

The thing that surprises me most is just how many stupid people there are out there. With the social media rage at George Zimmerman, and the fact that TLC is having a Honey Boo Boo event complete with a scratch and sniff card, I have lost all faith in the human race. Yes, the world still needs an enema, I am just not quite sure where it should go. If you force me to pick right now, I would say Hollywood.

Let’s face it, anybody that has watched an episode of CSI could have figured out the Trayvon Martin shooting. There was a reason the Sanford Police Department did not arrest Zimmerman. That reason: racism. The white supremacists in the Sanford Police Department were interested in protecting a Hispanic/Jew; a Hebspanic if you will. Give me a freakin break.

I haven’t seen any news of spontaneous blackness erupting anywhere. Maybe the black community leaders have convinced the youfs to hold off on rioting to see if the Feds will prosecute Zimmerman. I have no confidence in the Federal Government to do the right thing. I figure this thing ends in tragedy no matter how it plays out. Either the Feds refuse to take up the case, or the Feds end up coming to the same conclusion as the jury in Florida. In which case black folks will chimp out and steel TVs and cars and shit. Or the Feds railroad Zimmerman. In which case white anti-government nuts will either kill some local cops who had nothing to do with any of this, or blow up a federal office building with a daycare in it. The bright side? Maybe the enema is coming.

By the way, am I the only one that finds it funny that the President of the NAACP is named Jealous? Whatever. I leave you with a song that given the current state of affairs really resonates. [NSFW]


UPDATE: Yup, this song is still freakin awesome!

Defining Race Relations

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You ever a buy a bag of cookies? Is bag the correct terminology? Is it pack maybe? You know what I mean, the cookies that come in the plastic wrapper with the clear plastic tray in which the cookies sit. Most of your Keebler cookies come in that type of packaging, with pictures of those treacherous elves. Fucking elves. Where was I? Oh yeah, so you go to get a cookie, and you open the plastic wrapper then slide the tray out. You grab one, or two, or three, or ten cookies. You then set them to the side to put up the rest of the cookies. You try to slide the tray back in the wrapper, but those miserable, evil, scheming little fucking elves made the tray and the wrapper almost identical in size. The wells in which the cookies sit grab the wrapper and hold on to it with the determination of a salt water crocodile pulling a gazelle to its doom. You go from frustrated to cursing mad like a Bugatti accelerating to 60. No matter how hard you try you can’t get the friggin tray back in its wrapper. Your reasonable mind thinks that maybe you should stop trying to force the situation, and tear the wrapper at its seam, but fuck that! This is a personal challenge issued by those knife-eared sons of bitches, and by God, you’re going to win it! You shove, and you twist, and you straighten, but its no use. That piece of shit tray won’t go back into that suck-egg wrapper, but you’ll be damned if you’ll admit defeat! You’re gonna show those effeminate, pointed eared, abominations whose boss! And finally after who knows how long, a ruptured vein in your four-head, and the vocabulary of children expanding in the four-letter word category, you finally have defeated this elven torture device. In anger and frustration, you smash the cookies on the counter, hurl your glass of milk into the sink, grab a bottle of scotch and drink yourself to sleep.

That is really all race relations is about. You’ve got a tray and wrapper that don’t want to be together, and a ruling class going through all manner of machinations to make it work. It is an exercise in futility, so they get frustrated and hate us. Or maybe that’s just my take on it. Reasonable people can disagree.


Written by YT

07/10/2013 at 10:51 pm

Race Realism: Tell Your Black Friends

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You and I are different races. We have between us a broader difference than exists between almost any other races. Whether it be right or wrong, I need not discuss; but this physical difference is a great disadvantage to us both, as I think. Your race suffer very greatly, many of them by living amongst us, while ours suffer from your presence. In a word, we suffer on each side. If this is admitted, it affords a reason at least why we should be separated. Statement to the Deputation of Free Negroes, 14 August 1862

I saw the above quote in the comments section at SBPDL, and it seemed fitting to open with it here. It seems that as we look out across the nation it should be obvious to anyone with eyes that there are differences among the races. I know. The media, and the government, and Organized Victimhood tells us that the only reason white people are different is because of white privilege, or because we were never slaves or whatever else. They tell us that black criminality is the fault of whitey, or that blacks aren’t really that prone to violent crime, whitey is just making all that stuff up. Ā  It is all a pack of lies. The problem is obviously black people. All black people. No exceptions.

Before you get all bent out of shape and start trying to Paula Deen my cracker ass, hear me out. You see there are cities full of black folks: Detroit, Birmingham, Baltimore, Memphis. Those cities aren’t just populated by black people, they are run by black people. They were also once great American cities that have gone to shit. It seems cities in this country all take the same path eventually. They become majority black, they then are run by blacks, white people move out, and any black person that has the means moves out. There remains only a sewer where a once great city stood.

This is why I do not single out only the violent black criminal, but include all black people. Black people that have money and mobility don’t want to be around criminal blacks anymore than white people. Instead of staying and dealing with the shithole created by their people, they move on and leave the city to rot. Well, all except the political elite that profit from the destruction. Of course the political elite are able to insulate themselves from the depravity that pays their bills.

So the black folks without the means to leave are stuck, and victimized. They form community groups, and march, and protest, and beg for more money to throw at their problems. Obviously whitey gots money, thats why he ain’t got all dem prollems. Tax money is wasted on more police and educational programs. Poor black kids are bused to white schools, and vice versa, yet the problem remains. Church leaders pray, political leaders pander, and white people that have bought into the lie pay to the point that their living conditions are diminished. They pay through taxes, church and other charities, health insurance, even have to send their children to school with extra supplies to help subsidize the poor black children whose parents can’t be bothered with providing their children with school supplies.

The one thing that remains constant is that anywhere there are high levels of violent crime, there are large numbers of black people. It is simple to explain, in the really shitty parts of this country, there are lots of black folks. In the places that aren’t as shitty there aren’t as many black folks, and the black folks that are there are the ones that aren’t prone to criminality, and other dysfunction. They are the same black people that could make a difference in their communities, yet choose to live by the oppressor. Those black folks that call you Uncle Tom? They have a point.

See all you folks that have bought into the egalitarian lie are probably seeing red right now because you aren’t thinking about what you just read. You are caught up in your emotional knee-jerk anti-racist hatred. I’m sure it won’t matter, but I will say it anyway. I do understand there a alot of decent black people, and a lot of fucktard white people. That doesn’t change the fact that Detroit is a shithole. I am also not saying that black = bad and white = good.

That is really the crux of the problem with race relations today, isn’t it? Whether what I just wrote is right or wrong doesn’t matter. What matters is that I have committed PC heresy and that obviously makes me the worst thing in the world. Not a murderer, not a rapist, not a warcriminal, but a racist. We cannot have an honest discussion about race, the problems in the black community, or why Detroit is a shithole. The ruling class profit and their sycophantic mouth pieces in the media profit off destruction and dysfunction so have sold us a bill of goods. They keep us in check by making it destructive to discuss race in an honest way.

I am more than willing to admit that anything I wrote here is incorrect. I am not saying I have all the answers. What I am saying is that this discussion needs to happen because we cannot continue down this path. America is falling apart, and being forbidden from taking about race is only hastening our demise.

Eyes Open

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As I picked myself up off the ground, trying to digest the previous events, I couldnā€™t help but wonder, ā€œHow did everything go so wrong?ā€ You have heard that the moment before you die your life flashes before your eyes. It almost seemed as if that would be a comfort. Death descending on you in flash, a brief, ethereal autobiographical slide-show, then cut to black. Almost like ripping off a bandage so the pain comes all at once instead of lingering indefinitely. The suffering would be over. I would get to be with the Heavenly Father, and walk His streets paved with gold. That was not to be my fate. I could see death coming, rolling slowly toward me. How long would my demise last? Days? Weeks? Months? The buzzards gathering, squawking, peering hungrily, salivating, do buzzards salivate, I donā€™t know, but they should. This is my inner monologue damn it, and buzzards can salivate here.

Funny, those carrion-eating sons of bitches were once my peers, my leaders, and my so-called friends. They were the ā€œinā€ crowd, and I was part of that. They acted as though we were family. They spoke words of adoration, and acceptance. We spent time together, got to know one another, and I had supported them in their endeavors because I believed in them. I believed in what they stood for, and what they were striving towards. How many times over drinks had we airily discussed our vision of the world the way it should be? We wanted a world without hate, famine, disease, or war. We just wanted everyone to get along and be happy; is that so wrong?

I knew I was different from them. Most of them had never seen a cypress tree in person. They had never been to a crawfish boil, driven a pick-up truck, shot a firearm, or said yā€™all. I did everything I could to show that I was like them. I donated money to the right causes, I started listening to the right music, and saying the right things. I was, for all intents and purposes, one of them. How could they do this me? Why? What do they stand to gain? Are they all so devoid of sin? How is it possible that they in the world could be so perfect as to pass judgment so harshly?

Is it me? Is there really some scaly cold blooded, baby eating monster inside me? Am I possessed by some latent evil spirit that exerts dominion over my thoughts as a punishment for the sins of my people? Is it possible that the evils committed by unknown ancestors dead for centuries have delivered me unto this evil? Maybe so. I mean, in that one flash of a moment I lost control. Maybe that lack of control is some irrefutable evidence of this evil, unbeknownst to me, hiding just below my white skin.

That momentā€¦

That one white hot moment that snapped the single hair holding the invisible sword that hung over my life has apparently made me worthy of eternal damnation in the eyes of the world. That one moment where fear, frustration, anger, and apparently original sin erupted from my white heart and caused to spill forth an unspeakable evil, an unforgivable sin that I cannot take back. When the evil spilled forth, I tried to stop it. Unfortunately, you cannot grasp sin with physical hands. There is no earthly strength that can hold sin back. That evil which must not be named burst from my lungs like the fiery breath of a dragon and immediately filled those who witnessed it with hatred as if I had burned down their thatch-roof cottages, or roasted their cherished family pets.

Those flames ignited the countryside, and spread to all the corners of Earth. It caused the peasants to gather with their torches and pitchforks. They surrounded me, fired their arrows, and threw their stones. I am pierced and battered; bleeding away everything I had built. Standingā€¦waiting for death to take me, and the buzzards to pick my corpse clean, but I am standing.

Funny, I am standing. Death has not taken me yet. That fire that I sent out in my moment as a dragon has returned to me, but it does not burn me. It burns them! It frightens the peasants, and repels the buzzards! This is not the fire of sin and Hell. This is the fire of defiance. Defiance towards those that tricked me into supporting ideals that threaten to destroy everything built by my ancestors. Defiance towards a system that is tolerant of everything but defiance, and the death sentence imposed on my character by the hypocrites whom built that system.

Now, once again in the moment, my defiance gathers inside me, and the flame erupts once again from lungs, and leaves my mouth in a single words: Nigger!

Oh, Iā€™m sorry. Did I say that out loud? Shit, I guess I need to go cry to Matt Lauer.

Written by YT

06/29/2013 at 12:37 am

More Catharsis

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I have mentioned before that I took to writing this blog to help me kind of think through my political beliefs. I have made a few posts with a little snark, but nothing too impressive. I have been trying to figure out why. I figure there are two good reasons for this:

1.) I think the first reason is I have shown some poor topic selection. While I am trying to pin down my voice and explore my Southern Nationalist / Secessionist (redundant? repetitive?) roots, I picked topics that just seem too obvious. How much more can be said about the Paula Deen debacle or illegal immigration? Both are so obvious it has been hard for me to come up with a new spin, so I took the easy way out. Snark. I have nothing against snark in and of itself, but the blogododecahedron is bursting at the seams with snark, and it has all been done before. By me even under different screen names. When a post is nothing but snark, it just smacks of laziness.

2.) The other reason is I am lazy.

Written by YT

06/28/2013 at 10:04 pm


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Hi! I am Y.T. and this is my blog. I am jumping back into the blogging community because I am at sort of a crossroads politically. I have come to the conclusion that politics in the United States is professional wrestling. The politicians make public addresses, pretend they are mad at each other, then go through a carefully choreographed dance in which the winner was decided before the match started. Afterwards they go to some D.C. bar together and sip expensive scotch, smoke expensive cigars, and tag-team expensive hookers all paid for by us.

I am on a quest. I am trying to find out if my view of things is as backward and kooky as I am lead to believe by the media and pop culture. I am also trying to think through some of the harder issues of our time to hone my views more completely. I suspect there are more guys like me out there that don’t buy into the lunacy being spoon fed to us by the ruling elites.

At this point you are probably wondering what my views are exactly. Over the coming weeks and months I hope to better define what I believe in, but for now, I will leave you with sort of a general guideline as to what it is that I believe:

  1. Unchecked immigration is bad
  2. Equally protected under the law does not mean “same”
  3. The presence of outliers does not change the general nature of a population
  4. The fight in this country is no longer between rich/poor or black/white
  5. The fight in this country is between the ruling elite, and the governed
  6. White people should not be ashamed of their heritage
  7. The South was correct and Lincoln was a douche

If you have found this post and take offense at some of views, feel free to debate me. The only way to learn if my views hold water is through debate. I am sure some would see my views as “racist” or “anti-government”, but those people can suck it. Name calling is for children who have lost the argument and bored bloggers having fun with commenters that disagree with them.

Written by YT

06/18/2013 at 5:39 pm