Opinionated Y.T.

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Posts Tagged ‘tolerance

Identifying At Risk Youth

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People always want to help the children. In fact, most really shitty government programs and policies, zero tolerance policies for example, are marketed as protecting the children and if you don’t support them you hate children. I am all for helping the children, so I am going to try to get a government grant for my revolutionary new youth program.

I am sure the government sponsored youth program market is quite saturated. With programs from Head Start to Youth Challenge it can be hard to find a niche. See despite the overabundance of programs, most at risk youth don’t know about these programs, or even know that they are at risk. My program focuses on identifying these at risk youths that may not know there are programs available to help them, and making sure at risk kids know they are at risk.

The program is simple, I will open kiosks in Walmart, Target, K-Mart, and CC’s Pizza and observe the customers for signs of at riskiness. The criteria for determining the level of riskiness at which the youth is are pretty straight forward. I will sit in my newly opened kiosk and if I see that three hundred pound woman in public in a moo moo and house slippers, if she has kids, they are at risk. That 90 pound woman in torn jeans, scratching her face like she has fleas with the teeth that look like she brushes with a Milky Way bar, her kids are at risk too. These kids, you guessed it, at risk! If these people have kids…who am I kidding? Of course they will, and they will be at risk.

The next step after identifying these at risk youth, is to council them and their parents. I would call these people to my kiosk, and explain to the kids and parents that they are at risk. It’s all about awareness. At risk youth awareness is essential in avoiding all the ickiness related to at risk youthiness. I don’t know about you, dear reader, but I feel like I have bugs crawling on me after close contact with at risk youthiness. I am making a sacrifice for the community at large by making personal contact with these undesirables.

I am still undecided as to how to make the public aware of the at riskiness of these youths. I was thinking of branding their forehead with ARY, or maybe cutting scars into their mouth or nose like the Native Americans used to do. I am open to suggestions.

Written by YT

08/09/2013 at 5:40 pm

Shame, Come Back

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BBC News is running a story about American politics in the wake of Anthony *snicker* Weiner  sending out more pictures of his wang. The title is Anthony *snicker* Weiner, Eliot Spitzer and the death of shame. This concept of “the death of shame” set me to thinking (I know, I might hurt myself, but I’ll be careful). Where has shame gone in our society. We have removed social stigmas from so many things over the last few decades, and I wonder if the lack of shame may not be at least partially to blame for many of the most glaring social problems for which nobody seems to have a suitable answer.

Since the story that set me on this line of thinking has to do with Anthony *snicker* Weiner, let us take a moment to look at him, and his flaccid campaign.  Seriously, how the hell can a man with the last name of *snicker* Weiner get elected to office? There was once a time when he would have been laughed off the national stage for nothing more than his name. The fact that this guy shows his face in public with that last name proves that he is incapable of shame. If I was running against Anthony *snicker* Weiner, I would make a jingle to the tune of the Oscar Meyer Weiner Song. It would go something like:

I wouldn’t vote for Anthony Weiner

When he was a congressman he stunk

If you vote for Anthony Weiner

You might receive a picture of his junk!

I mean that stuff just writes itself. I don’t watch late night talk shows, but I gotta imagine Conan or somebody has already done this. Back to the topic at hand. Any man that can put himself in the national spotlight and say his name is Anthony Weiner, without snickering, and that he sent pictures of his weiner to girls, will feel no twinge of embarrassment for anything.

I imagine a lack of shame in politics should be expected considering the worthless human beings that participate in that racket. I know that Thomas Jefferson was putting slave girls to the figurative sword, and JFK was straight pimpin’ out of the Oval Office. I guess sexually retarded politicians are nothing new, but with low hanging fruit like Anthony *snicker* Weiner, I couldn’t pass up the opportunity to take a few cheap shots. Besides, the sexual indiscretions of politicians are the least of our worries when it comes to American Government. Then again, if we weren’t electing idiots like these, would be subjected to the greater problems of the ramping up of the police state, divorce rape, or the tyranny of the Union?

Another societal ill that I think could benefit from a healthy dose of shame is the rise in criminality in this country. Race realists would probably just sluff this off as blacks being blacks, and I get that angle. My contention here is that would as many people of any color be getting arrested if there was still a stigma tied to being a criminal? Movies, video games, and music have helped erase the shame that was once tied to being a criminal. Hell, pop culture glorifies criminality. You don’t get ridiculed and ostracized for being a criminal today; you get “street cred.”

Forget the fact that criminals are drains on the tax payers. Forget the fact that every criminal has hurt someone. Forget the fact that they were getting cornholed in prison by Big Laurent for protection while begging for a reach-around. Forget the fact that they were trading blowjobs for honeybuns, and tossing salad for cigarettes. Forget all those things; criminals are effing cool! Kanye West told me so! [Edit: Just in case you thought Chris Rock made the whole thing up.]

I don’t know how much effect shame would have on politicians or criminals. Maybe everything in this post up to now is just spinning my wheels. There is one societal problem that think would be greatly reduced if shame did, in fact, come back. This last one makes my blood boil because it is precisely the removal of the stigma that has led to the explosion of this problem, and has caused a ripple effect, corrupting other aspects of society.

I am speaking of the unwed mother. There was once a time in this country where an unwed mother would be disowned by her family. She would be labeled a slut, and subject to public ridicule. Unwed mothers were rightly considered defective people, and social outcasts. With society’s further descent into the lie that is equality, unwed mothers have dragged down society like a millstone.

Unwed mothers have raised generations of emasculated boys, and girls with daddy issues. I think emasculated boys that grow into men who repress their manhood because they are told, get this, that they should be ashamed of fighting, flirting with girls, and generally acting like a man. In turn, the repressed sexuality in these emasculated men manifests itself as sexual retardation and higher rates of criminality. Anybody who has ever dated a stripper knows what daddy issues do to a woman. They have no idea how a man should behave, and gravitate toward men who abuse them. They have no idea how to relate to men, and resort to sex as a means of gaining the approval of men. Or worse, they learn to use sex to manipulate men, and wield the almighty vag like a weapon.

Maybe I am being too laser-like in my focus on unwed mothers. Maybe unwed mothers are symptom of the lessened social stigma attached to sexually promiscuous women. It could be that many women are no longer ashamed to ride the ole cock carousel, and that has been what has led to the explosion of unwed mothers. It seems this one may  be a chicken-egg discussion.

Whatever the case, I think politicians, criminals, and unwed mothers need a dose of shame in their lives. If people would get beyond the idea that judging people is wrong, some of these problems might start to improve. We have tried throwing money at problems, we have tried “awareness” and education, and we have tried being inclusive and understanding. It is time try to shame. It is time to openly mock sluts, criminals, and politicians named Weiner to make the world a better place for our children.

Written by YT

08/01/2013 at 11:47 pm

Riley Cooper Is The Worst Person Imaginable

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Aside from his questionable taste in music, the Philidelphia Eagle Wide Receiver is apparently a racist. And we all know, a racist is the worst thing a person can be. I mean, racists aren’t really even people, are they? Apparently Riley Cooper said “nigger.” And he said nigger with an “R” at the end. Not even the ever-present term of affection form, “nigga.” He said nigger, and enunciated the “R.” This is of course the worst form of saying nigger.  Have a link for context.

NFL Spokesman Greg Aiello said:

…the NFL stands for diversity and inclusion…

This statement raises two questions. The first, Who knew? I always thought NFL stood for National Football League, but whatever. The second, where are all the white defensive backs and running backs? Shouldn’t there be a racial quota? Okay, so I guess that makes three questions.

It would seem Riley Cooper is a case study in irony. The white Wide Receiver has played football for years with, one would think, countless black people. This activity never brought his latent racism to the surface. A few beers, and some music sung by a vertically challenged, closeted, homosexual, and Cooper was outed as the Grand Wizard of the Ku Klux Klan.

I know that video never lies. It does; however, mislead. I am curious what precipitated this outburst. Had he just been robbed? Did one of the darker denizens of “Killadelphia” hit on his ole lady? One can only imagine.

As one would expect, Riley has apologized for his doubleplus ungood crimethink, and crimespeak. Luckily, Riley plays football with lots of black people. Maybe they will grant him cover so he doesn’t lose his job and his money, and become John Rocker. Maybe he followed John Derbyshire’s advice and he has an amulet of protection that will grant him immunity to the charges of racism. We shall see.

You know, Michael Vick is the Eagles Quarterback. Did y’all know he had a younger brother? Does he play football or something?

Breaking News: Racially Motivated Murder Under Investigation

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Atlanta, GA

The city of Atlanta is on edge, and racial tensions are high after a racially motivated murder that occurred last month in the downtown area. Atlanta police responded to a call concerning an African-American man dead on a sidewalk.  Upon their arrival, they saw the broken, and blood soaked body of Ja’Qu-on Mohamed laying in a pool of blood on the sidewalk.  As officers approached the scene, a person claiming to be a witness, Mike O’Malley, approached the officers. He claimed to have witnessed Mohamed leaping from the roof of a nearby apartment building, and falling to his death. After a cursory search of Mohamed’s body, police claim to have found a wallet containing Mohamed’s driver’s license which listed the apartment building as his place of residence.

According to police reports, officers searched the roof of the building, and discovered what appeared to be a recently used crack pipe, and a note signed by Mohamed stating that his recent firing from his job due to his crack habit and porn addiction has caused him to lose hope. The note went on to say that the author had lost his will to live, and the author intended to take his own life by jumping from the roof of his apartment building.

After an unusually short, and not very in-depth investigation, the Atlanta Police ruled the death a suicide, and released Mike O’Malley. The Atlanta Police Chief, who was fired last week due to his department’s handling of this heinous crime, said in an interview, “Look, Mr. Mohamed’s injuries were consistent with a fatal fall, there was cocaine in his system, and there was a suicide note. What other determination could have been made?”

Other determinations were made, however. Once news of the murder of Mohamed came to light, a host of celebrities, community organizers, and legal experts took to social media, and cable news shows to answer the embattled former Police Chief’s rhetorical question.

Actor Alec Baldwin, known for his insightful Twitter feed tweeted:

O’Malley was at the scene of the crime! How do you explain that? You bunch of inbred, mouthbreathing, racist, wingnuts!

Jesse Jackson was on Morning Joe where this exchange ensued:

Jackson: Joe, it is obvious to anyone with an open mind that O’Malley killed Mohamed because he was black man. This whole “witness” story is just O’Malley and the police covering up O’Malley’s part in the murder.

Scarborough: I know, right?

Even President Obama weighed in on this national tragedy. During a speech at the White House rose garden, the President said:

If I had a son, Mike O’Malley would have murdered him.

In a show of contrition to the morally superior public outcry, Georgia’s Attorney General appointed a special prosecutor to the case. During the investigation led by the special prosecutor it was learned that O’Malley voted against President Obama on two separate occasions. An offense that many describe as a clear indication of his latent racism. After that revelation, O’Malley was arrested for murder and hate crimes violations. The State is expected to seek the death penalty due to the racial component of this crime.

We will be following this story closely, and will report any breaking news.




Written by YT

07/27/2013 at 2:57 pm

Irreconcilable Differences

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Am I wrong for listening to talk radio? I should stop, but there there is no music on the radio that I want to listen to. I am tired of talk radio. Well, I guess to be honest, I am tired of white people in general. Sounds odd, I know, but hear me out.

White people on all the talk radio shows have been talking about the Trayvon Martin thing lately. They point to the fact that George Zimmerman should not have been charged, and call it racism. They point to the fact that Obama DOJ is looking to charge George Zimmerman with Civil Rights violations, and call it racism. The Trayvon Martin affair is but one recent example, but to tell the truth I am just sick of white people crying about racism. Stop being cowards, whitey.

What white people these days fail to realize is that no one cares if whites are being oppressed. Those that believe in racism also believe that since white people are oppressors, they can not possibly be oppressed. The result works something like this:

Whitey: Hey Jesse Sharpton, you claim to want to fight racism, but what about this blatant racism against whites? (Use whatever example you like, Trayvon, IRS scandals, Black Panthers suppressing the white vote, etc.)

Jesse Sharpton: Hey whitey, you are white, so it is impossible for you to suffer from racism. Besides, you deserve any wrongs inflicted upon you!

Whitey: Well then, it is obvious to any objective observer, that you are a hypocrite, and your house of race cards will crumble at any time!

Jesse Sharpton: Ha! There are no objective observers! Your complaints will fall on deaf ears!

And so the cycle repeats. Whitey claims to be a victim of racism, but no one cares. Whitey has got to stop trying to beat Jesse Sharpton at the game he invented.

I am sick of whitey referring to incidents as racism, or reverse racism. Whitey is fighting on his enemy’s terms. It is a fight whitey cannot win. Stop crying like a victim whitey! These things are not racism.

These are not examples of racism. You want to know what they are examples of? Pick whatever example you would like. These are examples of irreconcilable differences. Those who espouse racism as the worst thing in the world are true believers in the religion of hate whitey. There is no arguing with those people because their beliefs are not based on logic or reason. Their beliefs are based on the emotions caused by perceived wrongs.

There is only one way to rectify irreconcilable differences: D-I-V-O-R-C-E. Let’s face it; blacks and the supporters of blacks have no interest in coexisting with whites. No matter what injustices whites endure nobody in the government or media cares. If we do not dissolve the Union, the oppression of whites will continue unabated. Secession is the only answer.

Oh, and for good measure: Nigger!

With all that said I leave you with one more NSFW video/song:

Written by YT

07/22/2013 at 9:58 pm

Thirteen Year Old Boy Set On Fire For Being White

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Move along! Nothing to see here.

“They rushed him on the porch as he tried to get the door open,” Coon told KMBC. “(One of them) poured the gasoline, then flicked the Bic, and said, ‘This is what you deserve. You get what you deserve, white boy.'”

This is decidedly not racist since a white kid was set on fire. The young man is apparently recovering in a local hospital. I predict no national outrage over this crime. Other bold predictions: Water will be wet, sky will be blue, and sun will be hot.

Written by YT

07/11/2013 at 8:50 pm

Defining Race Relations

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You ever a buy a bag of cookies? Is bag the correct terminology? Is it pack maybe? You know what I mean, the cookies that come in the plastic wrapper with the clear plastic tray in which the cookies sit. Most of your Keebler cookies come in that type of packaging, with pictures of those treacherous elves. Fucking elves. Where was I? Oh yeah, so you go to get a cookie, and you open the plastic wrapper then slide the tray out. You grab one, or two, or three, or ten cookies. You then set them to the side to put up the rest of the cookies. You try to slide the tray back in the wrapper, but those miserable, evil, scheming little fucking elves made the tray and the wrapper almost identical in size. The wells in which the cookies sit grab the wrapper and hold on to it with the determination of a salt water crocodile pulling a gazelle to its doom. You go from frustrated to cursing mad like a Bugatti accelerating to 60. No matter how hard you try you can’t get the friggin tray back in its wrapper. Your reasonable mind thinks that maybe you should stop trying to force the situation, and tear the wrapper at its seam, but fuck that! This is a personal challenge issued by those knife-eared sons of bitches, and by God, you’re going to win it! You shove, and you twist, and you straighten, but its no use. That piece of shit tray won’t go back into that suck-egg wrapper, but you’ll be damned if you’ll admit defeat! You’re gonna show those effeminate, pointed eared, abominations whose boss! And finally after who knows how long, a ruptured vein in your four-head, and the vocabulary of children expanding in the four-letter word category, you finally have defeated this elven torture device. In anger and frustration, you smash the cookies on the counter, hurl your glass of milk into the sink, grab a bottle of scotch and drink yourself to sleep.

That is really all race relations is about. You’ve got a tray and wrapper that don’t want to be together, and a ruling class going through all manner of machinations to make it work. It is an exercise in futility, so they get frustrated and hate us. Or maybe that’s just my take on it. Reasonable people can disagree.


Written by YT

07/10/2013 at 10:51 pm

More Racism From the Trayvon Martin Case

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The idiots in the “mainstream media” just can’t help themselves, can they? Idiot reporters like to opine on subject matter that they barely understand, or worse, understand completely but try to mislead the public. Is this adequately explained by stupidity? I think malice myself, but reasonable people can disagree.

Anyhoo, apparently LA Times reporter Robin Abcarian feels like the Sanford Police Department is helping George Zimmerman’s defense. Apparently this is bad because racism. Funny thing about the police: People barely understand their job, yet like to screech about perceived wrongs or whatever. You will hear many anti-police types tell you that the police are out to mess over you for any manner of reasons. I know a few police officers, so let me fill you in on a secret, your local PD don’t give a fuck about whether or not you are in jail. Those dudes just want to do their jobs, and go home. I am sure outliers exist in some places with truly corrupt police, but for the most part, they don’t pick names out of a hat to determine suspects in crimes. Sorry to burst your bubble, but you ain’t that important for the police to come mess with you for no reason.

Another little known fact is that a properly conducted police investigation, which depending upon whom you believe can bum rap an innocent person, can also clear innocent people. Here is an example: Let’s say you’re a dude of indeterminable vibrancy living in a gated community. People of indeterminable vibrancy start stealing shit in your gated community. You see a youf of indeterminable vibrancy walking through your gated community. You don’t recognize said youf, so you follow this youf until you can determine what he is doing in your gated community. You make a call to, as the youf of America say these days, the people. You explain the situation. The people say they will be there as soon as possible. At some point a struggle ensues during which you shoot the youf, and he dies.

The people show up, and start looking around. You tell them it was self-defense. You tell them that the youf of indeterminable vibrancy was on top of you, beating your head against the sidewalk. The people look at you, and determine, “Yup, he got his ass whooped.” They see the dead youf with a single gunshot wound entering the front of the torso. No gunshot wounds entering the back, arm, or hands. The area around the gunshot wound reveals that it is not a contact wound, but the gunshot residue on the youf’s shirt suggests the round wasn’t fired from too far away. It seems ALL the physical evidence supports your claim that this was self-defense. There is NO physical evidence to suggest that this was NOT self-defense. The people kick you loose without filing charges. Sweet! Except that when Victimhood Inc. get involved, the state Attorney General assigns a “special prosecutor” and the next thing you know, BAM, you’re charged with murder. Gay.

Now, I axe ya, what do you think is going to happen when the people that exonerated you in the first place get called to testify in court?

Looking back over the past hour, I am curious why I even wrote any of that. Possibly because I have had too much scotch. That was really a waste of time. Facts haven’t mattered in this case since the “special prosecutor” got involved. We all know Zimmerman will be convicted to avoid race riots a la Rodney King. If you don’t believe the media are trying their damnedest to convict Zimmerman, See: here, here, here, here, and here. So just for good measure, nigger.



Written by YT

07/02/2013 at 6:19 pm

Paula Deen: The Latest Victim of the Intolerant Tolerance Zealots

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The Tolerance Zealots are at it again. They are out there showing us how tolerant they are by being intolerant of thoughtcrime. Apparently in a deposition Paula Deen admitted to saying “nigger.” News at 11! An old southern white lady admitted to saying “nigger!” Stop the freakin’ presses!

This stuff has become so tedious and asinine. The friggin article reporting the story can’t even use the actual word, and has to replace it with “N-word” like a goddamn child who is going to get punished for saying a curse word. F-word! I can’t believe this MF-word bull-S-word! Hey LA Times! Why don’t you just replace nigger with @$##^& like a friggin comic strip?

You’d swear she got caught by an open mic on Food Network saying, “Hey let’s go lynch us some niggers! YEEHAAW!”

Just as ridiculous, I had not been aware of this, is that apparently Paula Deen’s career took a hit when she announced she had diabetes. Really? Now all of a sudden her food sucks because she has diabetes? She was apparently accused of “putting her career ahead of the health of her fans.” Great, now before an episode of Ms. Deen’s show there will be a Surgeon General’s warning informing of the health risks of eating deep fried butter coated with confectioners sugar.

Hey, all you online Tolerance Zealots, I just wanted to let you know I am going to go snack on some battered and fried pork chops while singing Mystical’s “That’s the Nigga” to my dog. I’m that cracker, Suck it.

Update: Glad we are all about tolerance around here. I guess I should now add the “fired” tag. While I do not know the lady, I would guess that she is a leftist. Between the fact that she is a celebrity, and the fact that she made a whole episode of her show with Jimmy Carter, affectionately calling him “Mr. Jimmy” throughout, makes her seem like a leftist. Another case of liberal cannibalism for thoughtcrime? I hope they choke on the bones.

Update 2: Jim Goad put it better than I ever could at Taki’s Magazine. One of these days I will be able to rite dat gud.

Update 3: Maybe Paula should apologize to Jesse Jackson.

Written by YT

06/19/2013 at 9:50 pm